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Application Process & Interviews at Ability Action Australia

9.1 rating for Recruitment, based on 29 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The interview process was relaxed and similar to having a coffee with your friends (Minimising nerves).
Graduate, Mooloolaba - 14 Feb 2022
The interview process was very simple which made it less daunting.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Feb 2022
Quick and easy
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Feb 2022
It was great and very welcoming.
Graduate, Perth - 11 Feb 2022
I submitted my CV to the national graduate program and then I was contacted by one of the recruiters to discuss the role and company in more detail. Then the recruiter passed on my details to the WA leader's to review. Following a successful review, I was contacted again by the recruiter to book an online interview. Following the interview, my referees were contacted and then I was notified of my successful appointment via phone call.
Graduate, Perth, WA - 11 Feb 2022
Great support from the Talent Acquisition team, felt like they were "for me" through the process, interview was very positive and was an enjoyable experience. Felt valued.
Midlevel, Perth - 11 Feb 2022
I had one online interview with the team leader and business partner. But before this a spoke to a talent acquisition person who spoke to me about the company and if I would be a good fit.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Feb 2022
Interview process: Organised, good questions, didn't make promises they couldn't keep, quick
Graduate, Gold Coast - 11 Feb 2022
There was 2 interviews, one formal and one informal. The interview questions were not complex at all, felt very relaxed.
Graduate, Gold Coast - 11 Feb 2022
Interview process was done through Microsoft Teams and the interviewers were professional and friendly.
Graduate, North Brisbane - 07 Feb 2022
The interview process was really fast when I applied. Interview process was straight forward and questions seemed genuinely aimed at getting to know you as a person.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Feb 2022
Very efficient hiring process, with offers sometimes given within days. The HR/talent acquisition staff are proactively seeking potential candidates out on LinkedIn, and my experience was a two person panel interview with managers from my area.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Feb 2022
Not as stressed as other interviews
Graduate, VIC - 03 Feb 2022
I was contacted via LinkedIn. I was asked case study style of questions.
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
I applied to a seek.com ad, and was then contacted by the head office in the Eastern States informing me of their interest. Next, a zoom interview was conducted. with the managers of the Perth office
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
Spoke with recruitment first and went through their screening process, submit resume and CV, virtual interview with business partner and team leader which was very casual and comfortable
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2022
The interview was really enjoyable. The interviewer made me feel really comfortable and made it more conversational while still ensuring he got all his questions answered.
Graduate, North Brisbane - 02 Feb 2022
The interview lasted for 1 hour. Throughout this, I did not feel any pressure etc. I felt that the interviewers were selling the role to me, rather than needing me to constantly sell myself for the role. This helped to give me the impression that they were really wanting me to work at the company. The interviewers did ask questions related tot he job role etc.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2022
introduced self, discussed goals
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2022
The hiring process progressed fairly quickly. I was contacted by Clare who was the recruiter for AAA. She has been super helpful, patient and accommodating since the beginning. Her and her team really priorities your questions and takes time to inform you as best as possible.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Experiences during placements. My expectations from employer. Other clinical questions
Graduate, Mooloolaba - 14 Feb 2022
I was asked about my previous experience, my goals and aspirations as well as some clinical scenarios.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Feb 2022
what drew me to the role What's my experience Why would I be good in this role
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Feb 2022
- my experience working in the disability/NDIS sector - How I would achieve/uphold the company's 3 KPI's - Most important things to me for workplace culture - type of caseload I would be interested in - experiences of past university placements
Graduate, Perth, WA - 11 Feb 2022
what sort of work culture and supervision to I respond well to and prefer, my interests, clinical experiences and some responses to scenarios.
Midlevel, Perth - 11 Feb 2022
Questions were mostly about the team and how I would work with others. There was also a question about the occupational therapy process I had to answer and how I would approach it.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Feb 2022
A lot of questions about myself - does it match the work culture
Graduate, Gold Coast - 11 Feb 2022
About my work experiences, placements and my expectations from this workplace. A bit about AAA history as well.
Graduate, Gold Coast - 11 Feb 2022
Questions about self, your values and perceptions among others
Graduate, North Brisbane - 07 Feb 2022
Questions on interpersonal scenarios and clinical scenarios, with the expectation that as a graduate you are not going to be an expert in the field.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Feb 2022
Situational questions
Graduate, VIC - 03 Feb 2022
About myself, my history, life experience, and values
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
I was asked about my experiences during university and previous employment
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
What I know about the company, how I handle stressful situations, how I manage my time, strengths and weaknesses
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2022
I cannot remember exact questions
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2022
clinical questions
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2022
I was ask case specific questions regarding how I would approach a certain situation.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2022
Some questions that were asked - what do you hope to gain from working with this company - how can the company best support you? - Where do you see your self in 5 years what do I need to succeed in the company
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
How do I feel about working towards KPIs/billing for my time? What are my experiences? What would I bring to the team? Why do I want to work for an NDIS company?
Graduate, Perth WA - 02 Feb 2022
What to do in an emergency, weaknesses, strengths, past experience.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Work well with talent Acquisition and ask lots of questions.
Graduate, Mooloolaba - 14 Feb 2022
I would recommend to be yourself as well as not be afraid to express what you would like out of a position.
Graduate, Melbourne - 14 Feb 2022
Be relaxed and be yourself
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Feb 2022
Make sure work experience and resume is up to date. Make sure you get you aphra organised early, prep for the interview to talk about your skills and experience as well as strength and weaknesses
Graduate, Perth - 11 Feb 2022
Learn the values of the company and think about whether you are a good fit for the company, have questions ready about what is expected and what you would prefer.
Midlevel, Perth - 11 Feb 2022
Practice interviewing with others on Teams so you are prepared for any questions or internet/camera issues that may arise.
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Feb 2022
Understand the core values of the company, have an understanding of the NDIS, be yourself
Graduate, Gold Coast - 11 Feb 2022
Research on the company's history, revise your resume
Graduate, Gold Coast - 11 Feb 2022
Be yourself, be true to your own values because that is what makes you YOU.
Graduate, North Brisbane - 07 Feb 2022
Remember that university socialised you into thinking a certain way in line with your discipline; simply apply that thinking to the scenarios provided, and draw on personal/placement experience for interpersonal examples.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Feb 2022
Be able to answer case studies and be aware of what makes you a good therapist for the company and your participants
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
Emphasis any experience they have being independent and managing their own schedule. Also, any experience in having to coordinate and communicate with clients is helpful
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
Talk to recruitment and go through some practice questions
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2022
Just be yourself. Be open, be honest about past experiences, learnings and your future goals.
Graduate, North Brisbane - 02 Feb 2022
Follow and read the interview questions which are sent to you prior. While these may not be directly asked to do in the interview, it help you to prepare your answers and have an idea of what they may be wanting to know about you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2022
Be confident, genuine and prepare before hand and review notes for case study questions. Try to express why you want to work at the company and why you applied.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2022
Have a clear understanding on what is your expectation and what you can offer the company.
Graduate, Perth - 02 Feb 2022
Just be yourself and answer all the questions as best as you can. Allow the interviewer to understand who you are as a person. Be positive and curious
Graduate, Perth WA - 02 Feb 2022
Just be yourself, showcase your warm and friendly personality, ask questions, be curious, be assertive.
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Feb 2022